Fort Belknap Community Input
Economic Development (private business)
- Thinking/being more entrepreneurial
- Business ventures overseen by their own body
- Education/training for more skilled workforce
- More support for students dealing with substance abuse issues
- More support for programs to assist people who have dire needs
- Prepare for coming oil & gas boom
- Enact environmental laws to protect clean air, water
- Fight noxious weeds (leafy spurge)
- Clean up Zortman-Landusky mines
- Secure clean drinking water for all communities
Gaming Employment
- Need to bring in outside customers
- Need hotel, shows, and bigger facility
- Educate doctors & staff
- Educate community, individuals
- Seek funding to build homes
- Build multi-family housing
- Seek funding to support public transit
- Have a Master Lube business here
- Build and maintain better roads, private and tribal
- Develop student housing to reduce commuting