Food Security Assessment

06/01/2015 - 08/31/2015
All Day

Food security is defined as the state of having reliable access to a sufficient quantity of affordable, nutritious food. The following questionnaires are about the food eaten in your community, local food markets, and school food programs.  Please complete the  Food Security Assessment – Community if you work in the non-profit sector or are a professional in the food service, community health or food bank community. If you are a small scale farmer or producer, please complete the Food Security Assessment – Farmer.  Email completed surveys to the email listed below.  

This project is a part of the Housing & Urban Development Sustainable Communities grant that created Vibrant Futures, a regional planning program run by Opportunity Link. We are currently compiling a food security database that represents Opportunity Link’s eleven county, three reservation region. From the results gathered, a report will be made and available for public reading on Opportunity Link’s website.

This survey is being conducted by a representative of Opportunity Link, Inc. If you have any questions regarding the structure of this survey or what the results will be used for, please contact Rosie Goldich at (406) 265 – 3699 x 221 or