NCMT Title VI Policies and Procedures

North Central Montana Transit

Years: 2024-2025

Title VI Contact Name: Susann Tharp

Title VI Contact Phone: 406-265-3699

Title VI Contact Email:

Introduction to Agency

North Central Montana Transit is a public transportation system designed to serve the Hi-Line communities of Hill and Blaine counties and surrounding communities as well as to provide coordinated services with Fort Belknap and Rocky Boy’s Transit systems.

NCM Transit is operated by Opportunity Link, Inc. and was established in 2009 partnership with North Central Montana area organizations including local and tribal government agencies, social service organizations and educational institutions.

Our Executive Director, Chief Finance Officer/Transit Administrator, Director of Transit, Dispatcher and drivers strive to ensure safe, reliable and comfortable transportation to all passengers.

Title VI Program

North Central Montana Transit posts the Public Notice of Title VI Program Rights (below) in the following locations:,, and is available in print at North Central Montana Bus Barn at 3105 Hwy 2 NE, Havre, MT 59501 and Opportunity Link, Inc. offices at 339 3rd Street, Havre, MT 59501. Copies are also available on each bus.

Public Notice of Title VI Program Rights

Opportunity Link, Inc./North Central Montana Transit the North Central Montana Transit System gives public notice of its policy to uphold and assure full compliance with the non-discrimination requirements of Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and related nondiscrimination authorities. Title VI and related nondiscrimination authorities stipulate that no person in the United States of America shall, on the ground of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, income level or limited English proficiency be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or activity receiving Federal financial assistance.

Any person who desires more information regarding MDT’s Title VI Program can contact Susann Tharp at the address noted below.

Any person who believes they have, individually or as a member of any specific class of persons, been subjected to discrimination on the basis of race, color, national origin, sex, age, disability, income level or limited English proficiency has the right to file a formal complaint. Any such complaint must be in writing and submitted within 180 days following the date of the alleged occurrence to:

Susann Tharp

PO Box 80

Havre, MT 59501

A complainant may file a complaint directly with the Federal Transit Administration at the following address:

Office of Civil Rights Federal Transit Administration Attention: Title VI Program Coordinator East Building, 5th Floor – TCR

1200 New Jersey Ave SE Washington, DC 20590

If information is needed in another language, please contact MDT’s Office of Civil Rights at 406-444-6334.


The following procedures cover complaints filed under Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 and the Civil Rights Restoration Act of 1987:

Any person who believes they, or any specific class of persons, were subjected to prohibited discrimination based on race, color, or national origin may file a written complaint individually or through a representative. A complaint must be filed no later than 180 days after the date of the alleged discrimination unless the discrimination is ongoing or the time for filing is extended by the FTA.

North Central Montana Transit has adopted MDT’s complaint form, which is located on our website: and hard copies at 339 3rd Street, Havre, MT 59501.

Complaints alleging violations of Title VI by North Central Montana Transit may be filed in writing with the following agencies:

                                     Opportunity Link Inc.

                                     339 3rd Street

                                     PO Box 80

                                     Havre, MT 59501

                                     Phone: 406-265-3699

Montana Department of


Office of Civil Rights

 2701 Prospect Ave

 PO Box 201001

 Helena, Montana 59601

 Phone: 406-444-6334

 TTY: 800-335-7592

 Fax: 406-444-7243


Office of Civil Rights

 US Department of Transportation

 Federal Transit Administration

 1200 New Jersey Ave SE

  Washington, DC 20590

If information is needed in another language, please contact MDT’s Office of Civil Rights at 406-444-6334.

Complaint Log

North Central Montana Transit tracks civil rights complaints in the following table and submits them to MDT Office of Civil Rights on an annual basis.

  For the period 07/01/2024 to 06/30/2025 and there were 0 (zero) Title VI complaints

  filed against Montana Transit.

Investigation (I), Lawsuit (L), or Complaint  Date FiledBasis of Complaint (Race, Color, etc)Summary of AllegationStatusAction(s) TakenFinal Findings

North Central Montana Transit adopts MDT’s complaint processing procedures, which are consistent with FTA’s Title VI Requirements and Guidelines for Federal Transit Administration Recipients. Additional information can be found in MDT’s Title VI Plan: and FTA’swebsite: complaint-fta.

Public Participation Plan

North Central Montana Transit engages the public in its planning and decision-making processes, as well as its marketing and outreach activities. The public will be invited to participate in the process, whether through public meetings or surveys.

As an agency receiving federal financial assistance, North Central Montana Transit has made no community outreach efforts and activities to engage minority, Limited English Proficient populations, or other traditionally underserved populations since the last Title VI Plan submittal to MDT Office of Civil Rights.

   African American/BlackAmerican Indian/Alaskan NativeNative Hawaiian/Other Pacific IslanderAsianHispanic/LatinoWhite
Hill County.8%55%0%.9%1.1%1.2%
Blaine County.4%50.7%0%1.16%1.87%43.4%
Rocky Boy Reservation1.996%98.04%1.1%0%4.5%1.96%
Ft. Belknap0%95.64%.16%.08%1.51%2.61%

Language Assistance Plan

North Central Montana Transit adopts MDT’s Language Assistance Plan:

Montana’s demographic makeup does not meet the Federal threshold that requires mandatory written translation in any language, but North Central Montana Transit has resources available to provide language assistance if needed. MDT provides the Language Identification and Assistance Guide to transit providers, which gives guidance for how to provide interpretation

services when interacting with LEP individuals.

North Central Montana Transit evaluates its ridership and populations within its service area and will coordinate with MDT Office of Civil Rights if the frequency of interactions with LEP individuals requires written translation.

Transit Committee

North Central Montana Transit does have a transit-related, non-elected Board of Directors and Transit Advisory Committee. The racial breakdown of membership on the (board, committee, advisory council, etc.) is as follows:

COMMITTEE NAMEOpportunity Link Board of Directors  NCMT TAC
 Geographical Representation of our region from the 11 counties that include the Blackfeet, Fort Belknap, Rocky Boy’s Indian reservations, and the landless Little Shell Tribe. %Community members within our service area. (Elected officials, agency representatives, organizations, institutions, and tribal transit agencies within the service area).
   American Indian/Alaskan Native                            African American/Black       Native Hawaiian/Other Pacific Islander                Asian                                        Hispanic/Latino             White                              60%   0%   0%            0%   0%                       40%American Indian/Alaskan Native   45%                             African American/Black                 06%                                  Native Hawaiian    other Pacific Islander                       0%                                                                     Asian                                               0%                                  Hispanic/Latin                               .08%                               White                                              54%                             

North Central Montana Transit takes the following efforts made to encourage participation of minorities or other traditionally underserved populations:

  • The Board of Directors directorship is based on election from current board members.
  • TAC meetings are open to the public and advertised in the newspaper and announced on the local radio.

Equity Analysis

A transit provider planning to acquire land to construct certain types of facilities must not discriminate on the basis of race, color, or national origin, against persons who may be impacted by the sitting of the facility. MDT’s Office of Civil Rights will conduct a Title VI equity analysis to compare various siting alternatives prior to the selection of the preferred site.

(North Central Montana Transit did not develop new transit facilities covered by these requirements.)

System-wide Service Standards and Policies

Based on size of transit providers and population, none of MDT subrecipients meet the additional requirements for fixed route transit providers. However, all transit providers that operate fixed route service must have system-wide standards and policies. North Central Montana Transit has fixed routes to Ft. Belknap and Rocky Boy Reservations as well as a 3 day per week route to Great Falls originating in Havre.  Standards and policies are available on our website:  Route maps and timetables are also available.