Technical Assistance Reports: Northcentral MT Drinking Water Systems

These Montana Operation and Maintenance Technical Assistance Reports provide insight into 12 small, rural drinking water systems in Northcentral Montana. Within the reports are resoures and discussions surrounding challenges to rural water systems and infrastructure maintenance along with potential solutions and upkeep strategies.

Water System Reports

Rural Voices for Conservation Coalition: Vision for Public Rangelands

This work focuses on policy-making based on collaboration between public and private landowners for the conservation of rangeland and grazing land in the Midwest. Used for ranching, recreational activities, and wildlife conservation, the grasslands of the west are highly valuable to both the public and to ranchers. This document provides recommendations for policy that provide satisfactory solutions to communities for both the conservation and use of rangelands.  

Rural Voices for Conservation Coaltion Vision for Public Rangelands

Montana Employer of National Service

In his address to 300 AmeriCorps members and alumni during our annual ServeMontana Symposium in March, 2015 Governor Steve Bullock made an exciting announcement–Montana is the first state in the west (second in the nation) to become an Employer of National Service!

As an Employer of National Service, AmeriCorps and Peace Corps alumni can now indicate their service experience through a question included on all state job postings. The homepage of the Montana state career website ( has been updated to include language encouraging AmeriCorps and Peace Corps alumni to explore careers within state government.

We know National Service alumni are highly-qualified individuals. They bring valuable skills to the workplace such as determination, teamwork, and the will to do good for others. I encourage alumni to look at what the greatest state in the nation has to offer and to make a commitment to pursue a lifetime of service right here in Montana.

U.S. Renewable Energy Technical Potentials: A GIS-Based Analysis

This study, conducted by the National Renewable Energy Laboratory of the Department of Energy, analyzes the potential for six different renewable energy sources in the US, including Utility-Scale Photovoltaics, Wind, Solar, Biopower, Hydrothermal, and Geothermal. Researchers based their methods and analyses on renewable resource availability and quality, topographic limitations, technical system performance, environment, and land-use constraints. Method details and findings are available in the full report.  Click here for the website.  

NREL Renewable Tech Potential

Sustaining Large Landscape Conservation Partnerships

A major component of planning for conservation and land use is establishing partnerships among community leaders, private land owners, and governmental entities. This resource provides guiding principles on forming and maintaining an integral network of partners for effective land use practices and policy. Read more for step-by-step engagement processes and additional resources. 

Sustaining Large Landscape Conservation Partnerships – Strategies for Success

MT Grain Growers Association

The Montana Grain Growers Association works to provide MT farmers and ranchers with market and industry statistics, national and state growers’ information, and tools for business research and development. Online, they provide a Market Manager tool to assess various factors in the crop and cattle industries for forecasting industry outcomes. They also provide tools and information on the new farm bill policies and programs, upcoming events, and network contacts.