Population Pyramids

Population pyramids show the number of males and females, by age groups, who live in a community at a given moment. These diagrams allow us to easily compare demographic differences between metropolitan areas, rural towns, and reservations. They illustrate the tendency of big cities to have many residents of working age, while rural small towns have growing populations of elderly residents, and reservations have relatively more young children and youth. Below are the pyramids for the U.S., Montana, and several towns in the region. You can also download a PDF of all pyramids here.

Chinook Community Input

Economic Development (private business)

  • Lower water and sewer rates
  • Develop more retail, perhaps a cooperative store
  • Expand child care
  • Remodel Cy Courthouse, City Hall, Police Dept
  • Upgrade water treatment/sewer systems
  • Seek access to affordable business loans
  • Promote community attractions, events, businesses, and services
  • Improve rest area, fair grounds, walking path

Blackfeet Community Input

Economic Development (private business)

  • Need better customer service; fast foods/Wal-Mart.
  • We need family oriented business.
  • Lack of funds for public infrastructure improvement-to keep our town clean.
  • Lack of economic availability: bank loans, jobs, assistance filling out applications.

Big Sandy Community Input

Economic Development (private business)

  • Create job opportunities for young people, year-round, wages higher than minimum wage
  • Improve presentation of Main Street area to entice highway traffic
  • Improve quality of older housing to attract new residents
  • Improve water and sewer infrastructure to attract new businesses
  • Keep current businesses on Main Street