Posts Tagged ‘Population’

Brownfield Grants

  • Assessment grants (up to $200,000) provide funding to inventory, characterize, assess, and conduct planning and community involvement activities related to brownfield sites;
  • Cleanup grants (up to $200,000) provide funding to carry out cleanup activities at brownfields sites;
  • Revolving Loan Fund grants (up to $1 million) provide funding to capitalize a revolving loan fund and to make loans and provide subgrants to carry out cleanup activities; and
  • Area-Wide Planning grants (up to $200,000) provide funding to conduct reuse planning, market studies, infrastructure upgrade planning, funding assessments, and other planning efforts.

Click here for the direct link to EPA’s website.  

Asset Based Economic Development in Rural Communities: Existing Infrastructure, Historic and Cultural Resources

This paper focuses on building economy in rural communities by utilizing existing infrastructure for further development. It also highlights the use of a community’s historical and cultural value, coupled with main street use and tourism, to boost economic investment. Read the full article for more planning ideas and case study results. 

Infrastructure Historic and Cultural Resources

Area Health Care Education Center

The Montana Area Health Education Center (AHEC) works to enhance access to quality health care by bettering the supply and distribution of healthcare providers through community and academic educational partnerships. The AHEC website provides residents with resources for researching the health needs and assets throughout the state, maintains community health profiles, and promotes community health education.


Baseline Indicator Data

The Baseline Indicator Data is a downloadable excel file with pertinent statistics for each county and Indian community in the region as well as the region as a whole. Various data is available on the following topics: economy, population, education, transportation, and land use. This data complements the Northcentral Montana Regional Plan and the Indicator Report Card. The data serves as a basis for measuring progress, or areas of improvement, in future economic and community development of the region. The data can be used by communities for individual evaluation and goal-setting. 

Baseline Indicators data file

Assessment of Climate Change Impacts on Rural Economies

The Sonoran Institute is a nonprofit organization dedicated to assisting western states with development and sustainability through research, best practices, and expert guidance.  This assessment provides information on the importance of considering climate change in developmental planning. It offers data and best practice information on collaboration among local governments and private industry for successful economic development in lieu of impacts from climate change. Read the full assessment for details and follow the link for more resources from the Sonoran Institute. 


Analysis of Touring Cyclists: Impacts, Needs, and Opportunities for Montana

This report provides statistics and information on the cycling tourism market in Montana. In 2012, cyclists brought in over $377 million dollars to the state of Montana, and cyclists are traveling throughout the state, even to the most rural regions. The study also outlines opportunities for communities to support touring cyclists and their local economies. 

Multi-day Cycling Study

Aligning Strategies to Maximize Impact: Case Studies on Transportation and Economic Development

This report provides case studies of successful collaboration between transportation and economic development strategies within the context of a region. By sharing resources and playing off of strengths, these two areas of community development can be planned cooperatively for maximum success. Explore this article further for some great planning techniques.
